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Dear Bobcat parent and family members,

After an unseasonably warm and dry January, Bozeman finally enjoyed some early February snow this weekend. Now that we're in the swing of the new term and winter weather, many of our students are working to balance their studies with their favorite outdoor activities.

I have several updates for you this week, as well as reminders about services and resources that can be helpful for our students throughout the semester.

Student Health and Wellness
Access to affordable and nutritious food is crucial to overall well-being and academic success, which is why the Bounty of the Bridgers campus food pantry and other programming through the MSU Office of Health Advancement are here to help. Bounty of the Bridgers can also facilitate grab and go snacks and meal-plan scholarships, and the wonderful team in the OHA also provides educational resources, nutrition counseling and coaching for any student in need.

Financial Literacy
Is your student also working while attending school? Personal finance is an important area of growth for college students. MSU's Office of Financial Education offers coaching and peer mentoring to help students take control of their finances and learn to budget their way to a stronger financial future. At this time of year, thanks to the Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship, support is also available if your student would like help filing their taxes.

JJCBE students taking part in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program provide free tax help to people with household incomes under $54,000, including students. Volunteers assist with basic federal and state income tax returns with free electronic filing available for most 1040 forms. The program runs from Feb. 21 through April 1, and appointments are required. More information is available on the VITA website.

Outdoor Adventure
Especially with our recent snowfall, winter activities in Montana are in full swing! MSU Outdoor Recreation has countless ways to enjoy the beautiful Bozeman area and do it safely. The avalanche rescue training park is open 24/7 for students to practice their avalanche rescue skills, and free avalanche rescue clinics are available to become more familiar with equipment. Clinic attendees receive free and discounted rentals on avalanche safety gear.

Outdoor Rec offers group trips as well, including cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and backcountry travel. And for days when it gets extra cold, there are bouldering clinics at the climbing wall in the North Dome and ski/snowboard maintenance clinics, both free for students. CPR/AED/Basic First Aid classes are also offered throughout the semester.

Recognizing Outstanding Students and Faculty
Founders Day is coming up on our campus, and one of the highlights of this annual event, coming up Feb. 16, is the Founders Day Awards for Student Excellence, at which we will honor 40 of our campus's most high-achieving seniors alongside their faculty mentors. These students have demonstrated exemplary leadership and service during their time as Bobcats, and I thank you, their parents and families, for supporting them in their pursuits.

Kind regards,

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Matthew R. Caires
Dean of Students

Bobcat Parent and Family Program, Montana State University
174 Strand Union Building | P.O. Box 174220 | Bozeman, MT 59717 | | 406-994-7359
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