Entrepreneur Day Returns to MSU February 28th

Join us for a great day of learning, discussion and fun as we discover more about entrepreneurism in Montana
As part of the on-going educational service to enhance entrepreneurial spirit and education in the area, the Montana State University College of Business will host the third annual Entrepreneur Day on Wednesday, February 28, in the Strand Union Ballrooms B & C on the MSU campus from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm.
The day will be broken into four segments. Session I will provide students a glimpse of the Alderson Program in Entrepreneurship at the College of Business and some of the entrepreneurial and business management courses available in collaboration with The Center for Entrepreneurship for the New West. A panel of students enrolled in the management and entrepreneurial courses will lead the discussion and offer insight on projects they are working on, courses designed to provide guidance to future business owners and competitions open to student participation. Members of the panel include current College of Business students Jonathan Sestrich, Julie Ho and Becky Brewster.
The goal of Session II is to have a lively interactive conversation between a panel of young entrepreneurs and the audience. The panelist will share ideas on personal experiences, personalities they feel fit the role of an entrepreneur, formal studies and education needs, as well as resources that have helped them develop as entrepreneurs. Panel members include: Jeff Riggs, Wheat Montana Bakery and Deli; Kalen Caughey, Guarana Energia; Quinn McGrath, Cold Stone Creamery; Kaycee Majxner, Flying Horse Communication; Hunter Lacey, Bar 3 BBQ; Marty Ostermiller, Banx and Event Point; and Brie Schaffer, Oil and Vinegar.
During the noon hour, guests will be invited to dine as they listen to featured keynote speaker, Jeff Riggs, owner of four Wheat Montana Bakery and Deli restaurants. Riggs, a College of Business graduate ('00), will discuss his journey of entrepreneurship in a very candid and entertaining presentation.
Session III will be an open question/answer time with a panel of experts who provide services or advice to entrepreneurs as they begin and expand their businesses. They will share knowledge and real life stories as the group explores what needs to be done once a business is established in order for it to succeed. Panel members will include: Mike Gold, Flying Horse Communication and marketing instructor at MSU College of Business; Jessica Watson, TechRanch; Wendy Christie, Human Resource Consulting; Kali Ryti, First Interstate Bank; Gary Bloomer, TechRanch; Dexter Wester, Bozeman Job Service; as well as a representative from the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce.
Entrepreneur Day reflects the College of Business' commitment to improving the economic development of Montana. The College's Alderson Program in Entrepreneurship's goal is to make a significant contribution to the economic development of the State and provide a framework for an outstanding educational experience for students. Within the College curriculum, entrepreneurship coursework is offered to students from any major in the University through the 30 credit-hour Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management minor.
For further information or to RSVP, please contact Audrey Lee at 406.994.7880 or email: audrey.lee@montana.edu. Your reservation is requested by Friday, February 23, but early reservations are suggested as space is limited. The program design of Entrepreneur Day is geared toward high school and college students, but anyone interested in entrepreneurship or business is welcome to attend. There is no charge to attend the event.
Entrepreneur Day is funded in-part by a grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). SBA's funding should not be construed as an endorsement of any products, opinions, or services. All SBA-funded projects are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. It is planned in coordination with EntrepreneurshipWeek USA a week of celebrating the power of entrepreneurship and igniting the nation's consciousness about the importance of being entrepreneurial.