Family Business Program Honors Businesses Statewide

Dr. Shehryar presented "Basic Market Research for Family Businesses" at this year's program.
Businesses from Billings, Sidney, Ennis, Havre and Wolf Creek are the winners of the 2006 Montana Family Business Awards.
The businesses, which ranged in size from fewer than 10 employees to more than 50, received their awards at the 2006 Montana State University College of Business State Farm Insurance Family Business Day held recently in Gallatin Gateway, according to Nancy Dodd, director of the Montana State University College of Business' Family Business Program.
The 2006 top family businesses in Montana are: Davidson Home Furnishings and Design of Billings in the very small business category (fewer than 10 employees); Finnicum's Furniture and Hardware of Sidney in the small business category (10 to 30 employees); Combs Enterprises of Ennis in the large business category (more than 50 employees); and The Duck Inn, Inc. of Havre in the old business category (operating at least 50 years as a family business). The Sieben Ranch Co. of Wolf Creek and Lincoln won the Judge's Special Recognition Award.
"It is wonderful to be able to recognize exemplary family businesses that have all shown a commitment to customer service, family values, and diversification to satisfy the needs of their markets, often in challenging situations," said Nancy Dodd, director of the Montana State University College of Business State Farm Insurance Family Business Program and an MSU professor of management. "Family businesses are central to the economic vitality of Montana, and the businesses that are honored are perfect examples of why and how family businesses contribute to our communities, our state, and our nation."
The Montana Family Business Program is in its 13th year. The MSU College of Business and State Farm Insurance, in honor of Robert Jaedicke, host the program. Stockman Bank underwrote the awards, with additional support for the program provided by Combs Law Firm, PC, and the Montana Chamber of Commerce.