Montana State University Study Abroad Opportunities for Business Majors:

Nyhavn is part of the original Copenhagen Harbor
Hey business majors!!
Did you know there are multiple opportunities to study abroad specifically geared towards business majors?
Multiple Business-Specific Study Abroad Programs: Students interested in these programs should contact Dave Foster, x6188,
Galway, Ireland, National University of Ireland MSU program website: National University of Ireland homepage: Located on the western coast of Ireland in a beautiful, traditional Irish setting. Galway is a thriving, metropolitan city center with lots to offer: culture, shopping, cafes, etc.
J nk ping, SWEDEN, J nk ping International Business School (JIBS) X MSU program website: X J nk ping International Business School (JIBS) homepage:
COPENHAGEN, DENMARK, Denmark s International Study Programme X Introducing a new partnership with Denmark s International Study Programme X Especially recommended for students interested in E.U. politics and economic structures X Denmark s International Study Programme homepage:
International Internship Program in London, England
Business majors interested in completing a business internship in London, England, should contact the Office of International Programs at x 7151 for more information.
What do business majors who have studied abroad have to say about study abroad opportunities through MSU?
Studying abroad was one of my greatest and most rewarding experiences to date. You meet new, interesting people, and a new culture. It opens your mind, and allows you to see the world in a new way. Studying abroad is one of the best decisions you can make.
- Keith Fall, Business Major, Study Abroad Student, London, 04
Are you glad that you went?
Most certainly yes. It was entirely different than I thought it would be, but it's definitely one of the best experiences of my life.
- Jenni Simonsen, Agricultural Econ Major, 05
I'm incredibly glad I went. I am so thankful for this experience. I have learned so much about other cultures and have met so many great people from other countries, but I've also learned a great deal about myself.
- Emily Davidson, Business Management Major, 05
What was your favorite part of your study abroad experience? My favorite part of the study abroad experience would have to be meeting new people of other cultures and learning about their cultures. - Emily Davidson, Business Management Major, 05 Some Advice: If you're serious about learning the language, don't speak English and try to live with natives of that country. - Emily Davidson, Business Management Major, 05 Prospective study abroad students are encouraged to stop by the Office of International Programs at Montana State University to learn more about study abroad opportunities at Montana State University. The office is located in 400 Culbertson Hall (same building as the campus post office) and is open Monday Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. For more information, please contact Mariah Stember, Study Abroad Advisor / Outreach Coordinator at (406) 994-7151 or
-Contributed by Mariah Stember