The intent of the CABLE program is to help first year business majors find early success at MSU by providing a built-in community and ongoing support. You’ll have fellow CABLE students in several of your classes. That makes it easy to make friends and build study groups. You get to move into your residence hall room and still enjoy a weekend of outdoor adventure and college prep. You’ll benefit from the ongoing support of a peer mentor and dedicated academic advisor, and finally, you’ll have the opportunity to earn scholarship money by having a successful first and second semester!

Every first-year, business student who applied for MSU has been invited to join this program. We believe you could benefit from this program, which is designed to help students transition from high school to college, build a community at MSU and provide academic support.

CABLE is a donor funded program with limited capacity. While we have an application process, we cannot include everyone who has applied. Ideally, we’d love to include all of our students in the program. 

Yes, you’ll miss the opportunity to get to know your fellow CABLE students before classes begin, but that’s OK – we still want you in the program!

Unfortunately, no, at this time CABLE is limited to select business majors only. However, the support resources included in CABLE are available to all MSU students.