Montana State University is Your University!
What is the Southern Bobcat Student Day?
What is the Southern Bobcat Student Day?
Are you #BozemanBound, or still considering if MSU is the right University for you? Watch a recording of our live virtual session for students in the Southern Region. This includes Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia!
Bobcat Student Days provide you with an opportunity to hear from current MSU students, our Associate Director of Recruitment, and Admissions Counselors. Come get a behind-the-scenes look into what sets MSU apart, and get excited to be a part of MSU's Class of 2025!
Watch a recording today!
Schedule of the Virtual Event
Southern Bobcat Student Day
April 20th, 2021 | 3:00 pm MST
Welcome/Countdown to First Day of Classes - 3:00 - 3:15
Join Anders Groseth, Associate Director of Recruitment, for a welcome into MSU and
a countdown to the first day of classes!
Becoming a Bobcat: Next Steps - 3:15 - 3:30
Hear from Admissions Counselors about next steps for you to successfully enroll in
the fall of 2021.
Current MSU Student Panel - 3:30 – 4:00
Ask current MSU students your questions and hear about their personal experiences
at MSU!
Q&A with Admissions Counselors - 4:00 - 4:15
Wrap up with any final questions you may have as you finalize your college decision.
Meet Our Southern Students
Montana State University has students from all 50 states and over 60 different countries. Meet the bobcats who come from the same communities as you and see why they chose to make MSU their new home away from home!
Adam Freng| Austin, Texas
Major: Fish and Wildlife Management
Fraternity & Sorority Life, Orientation Leader, Campus Tour Guide, American Wildlife Association, American Fisheries Association
How was the transition from your home state to MSU and Bozeman?
The transition was a little bit difficult for me, mainly because I had never seen snow before moving to Montana. The hardest part was acclimating to the weather and learning how to ski.
What was the best way you found to make friends?
When I moved here I knew absolutely nobody, so I was force to meet all new friends. The easiest way I found was to meet everybody on my residence hall floor first, then other people in the rest of the residence hall. Another great way to meet people is by joining clubs and utilizing the Office of Student Engagement!
What was your favorite memory from your first year at MSU?
My favorite memory was when I skied Bridger Bowl for the first time. It was not very pretty the first couple of runs, but by the end of the day I had gotten the basics down.
How did you get involved?
Catapalooza was what got me involved in most of the extracurricular activities that I am involved in currently. It is a great way that MSU showcases all the different clubs and organizations the university has to offer. I signed up for a bunch of different clubs and then went to the welcome meetings and saw for myself if it was something that I truly wanted to spend time doing for the semester.
What advice do you have for a student coming from your state and out-of-state in general?
Anybody that is coming from Texas or anywhere that it does not snow or get below freezing, I strongly suggest investing in some nice winter gear, especially socks and boots! I would also say to make sure to have fun with moving. It is scary at first, but it does get easier and is extremely rewarding and fun if you try to make the best of it.
What advice would you give your freshman self?
I would tell myself to work harder and strive to do the best I can do academically. I would also tell myself to be extremely outgoing and meet everybody that I get a chance to.
What did you do when you were homesick?
I would call my parents or other people I know from back home whenever I got homesick, even if it was just to catch up for 5 to 10 minutes.
Favorite campus activity or MSU tradition?
The Brawl of the Wild, or Cat-Griz weekend, is my favorite MSU tradition! There is a parade that many of the clubs at MSU get to be a part of, and also some great football!
Alex Hauck | Hammond, Louisiana
Major: Art History | Minor: Museum Studies
Orientation Leader, Advocat (Campus Tour Guide)
What advice would you give you freshman self?
I would tell myself to get more involved. All I did in my first year was work and school, I had very little free time or just time that wasn’t dedicated to work and school. College is about more than just getting your degree, it’s a fun place and there are so many things happening all the time, so just go and try something new.
Why did you choose to attend MSU?
I came to MSU for the awesome research opportunities and wide variety of major choices. I was undecided when I came to campus, and I knew MSU would provide me with any opportunity I wanted to pursue!
How did you get involved on campus?
Orientation is where it all started for me. I became an Orientation leader and learned about all the resources campus had to offer and just went from there. During the class, I would hear about different events or hear about what an organization was doing, and then I would search for more information on the website. I also just browse the MSU website and see what is happening, I have found so many fun events through just doing that.
What is your favorite memory from your first year at MSU?
It has to be when I went to my very first Drag Show. Every year campus holds a Charity Drag Show and I had a friend who convinced me to go to one and I absolutely fell in love with them. Ever since then I have gone every year I can.
How was the transition from your home state to MSU and Bozeman?
Moving from state to state and from school to school has never been a foreign concept to me because my mom was in the Air Force. I have moved all over so the transition wasn’t to hard for me. What was hard was the idea of making new friends again and honestly getting used to the winters. I got involved a lot which helped me to make friends and they are still some of my best friends even though most of them have graduated. As for getting used to the winters, I still haven’t done that, I am not a fan of the cold weather.
What was the best ways you found to make friends?
Getting involved with Orientation was how I met some of my best friends and through Orientation is where I began to hear about all of the events happening around campus. Those events are where I was able to branch out and meet new people, so getting involved for me was really the best way I found to make new friends.
What advice do you have for a student coming from your state and out-of-state in general?
If you are coming from Louisiana definitely know how to cook your favorite food that your grandmother makes. It will cure the craving for that southern food because let’s be honest there is no place that does food as Louisiana does. I would honestly give the same advice to just anyone coming from out of state. The dining hall food is delicious but sometimes you just want so home cooking.
Next Steps: Becoming a Bobcat
Next Steps: Becoming a Bobcat
The college search is never easy, but ask any current student and they will say it is worth it! As you start to narrow down your search or get ready for the Fall semester keep the items below on your radar.
Apply for Admission (it's not too late!)
Apply for Scholarships and Financial Aid
Register for Orientation/Submit Class Registration Materials
Submit Final High School Transcripts
Submit AP/IB/Dual Enrollment for College Credit
To see what steps you have left make sure to login to your Undergraduate Admissions Checklist. If any questions come up never hestiate to contact the Office of Admissions at or 406-994-2452.
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