Montana State University is Your University!
What are Midwest Bobcat Student Days?
What are Midwest Bobcat Student Days?
Are you #BozemanBound, or still considering if MSU is the right University for you? Watch a recording of our live virtual session for students in the Midwest Region. This includes Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin!
Bobcat Student Days provide you with an opportunity to hear from current MSU students, our Associate Director of Recruitment, and Admissions Counselors. Come get a behind-the-scenes look into what sets MSU apart, and get excited to be a part of MSU's Class of 2025!
Watch a recording today!
Schedule of Virtual Events
Midwest Bobcat Student Day
April 22nd, 2021 | 4:00pm MDT
Welcome/Countdown to First Day of Classes - 4:00 - 4:15
Join Anders Groseth, Associate Director of Recruitment, for a welcome into MSU and
a countdown to the first day of classes!
Becoming a Bobcat: Next Steps - 4:15 - 4:30
Hear from Admissions Counselors about next steps for you to successfully enroll in
the fall of 2021.
Current MSU Student Panel - 4:30 – 5:00
Ask current MSU students your questions and hear about their personal experiences
at MSU!
Q&A with Admissions Counselors - 5:00 - 11:15
Wrap up with any final questions you may have as you finalize your college decision.
Meet Our Midwest Students
Montana State University has students from all 50 states and over 60 different countries. Meet the bobcats who come from the same communities as you and see why they chose to make MSU their new home away from home!
Kate Barlow| Riverside, Illinois
Major: Psychology | Minor: Human Development, Certificate in Geriatric Care
Chi Omega Sorority, Young LIfe, Cru, Psi Chi, Alpha Delta Lambda, 2019/2020 Homecoming Ambassador of Service
Why did you choose to attend MSU?
I chose it solely based off of the feeling my soul gave me. That this was the home for me. Which is such a flimsy and cliché answer that was hard to explain… but I just knew. And I was right!
How was the transition from your home state to MSU and Bozeman?
I had a fairly smooth transition to MSU. I will say the first few days of being on my own after my parents left were totally nerve-racking, but I was fortunate enough to make really good friends so early on!
What advice would you give your freshman self?
Be bold, and do the hard thing. People, opportunities, and fun come and go, but chasing after the hard thing will be worth it every single time.
What did you do when you were homesick?
I honestly was never truly homesick, but when I was missing home I would facetime my sisters or my mentors from back home!
What was the best ways you found to make friends?
GO TO SCHOOL EVENTS!!! My favorite were the Zumba events and the hot springs pool party. Also I would for sure recommend joining clubs about things you are passionate! Some of my best friends to this day were made in the organizations I listed above.
What is your favorite memory from your first year at MSU?
I had so many! Hard to choose, but if I had to pick one it would be my first time hiking up in Big Sky! Growing up in the city I was used to big skyscrapers, but the mountains just have an air of majesty and beauty around them that is totally unparalleled.
What advice do you have for a student coming from your state and out-of-state in general?
BE BOLD! Ask that girl on your floor to eat with you in Miller. Go play Spikeball outside of Yellowstone. Hop in that car to go hike with new people. Adventure is all around you, if you have the eyes to look and the courage to say yes to it!
Shannon Murphy | Oak Grove, Minnesota
Major: Applied Mathematics | Minor: Statistics
Pi Beta Phi, Panhellenic Council, Smarty Cats Tutoring, Math Learning Center Tutor, AIC Tutor, Orientation Leader, Pi Mu Epsilon, Bridges Mentor, Expanding Your Horizons Group Leader, Service Saturday Participant, MSU Debut Volunteer, USP-INBRE, Honors College
What was your first impression of MSU?
I didn’t realize that Montana had so many small towns, so it was a lot of fun talking to students from those areas and comparing our high school experiences. I also became somewhat of an outdoor enthusiast myself and even invested in a pair of Chacos.
Why did you choose to attend MSU?
I came to MSU for the awesome research opportunities and wide variety of major choices. I was undecided when I came to campus, and I knew MSU would provide me with any opportunity I wanted to pursue!
How was the transition from your home state to MSU and Bozeman?
Montana is a lot like Minnesota, but you get rid of the mosquitos and trade lakes for mountains! Bozeman is a lot smaller than the Twin Cities area, which creates an emphasis on local businesses and community that I love. The mountains allow for a lot more fun outdoors activities, and I’ve come to cherish those more than I used to.
What was the best ways you found to make friends?
Hanging out in the common areas of my dorm floor and joining a sorority were the best ways I found to make friends.
What did you do when you were homesick?
Call my parents and friends! My friends who were also freshmen were the best to talk to because they were going through the same things.
What was the best ways you found to make friends?
Hanging out in the common areas of my dorm floor and joining a sorority were the best ways I found to make friends.
Were you able to go home during breaks/holidays or did you stay on campus?
I went home for most breaks, but I did stay in Bozeman for Thanksgiving one year! I had a great friend who let me come to her family’s Thanksgiving and stay with her for the weekend.
What advice do you have for a student coming from your state and out-of-state in general?
Learn as much as you can about Montana while you’re here! Also, don’t be afraid to go skiing! I wish I had learned how earlier!
Next Steps: Becoming a Bobcat
Next Steps: Becoming a Bobcat
The college search is never easy, but ask any current student and they will say it is worth it! As you start to narrow down your search or get ready for the Fall semester keep the items below on your radar.
Apply for Admission (it's not too late!)
Apply for Scholarships and Financial Aid
Register for Orientation/Submit Class Registration Materials
Submit Final High School Transcripts
Submit AP/IB/Dual Enrollment for College Credit
To see what steps you have left make sure to login to your Undergraduate Admissions Checklist. If any questions come up never hestiate to contact the Office of Admissions at or 406-994-2452.
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Introducing BlogCats: a blog created for prospective students and family members to help them explore
all that MSU has to offer! Read posts by current students, Admissions Counselors,
and faculty and staff from across campus. Come see for yourself why Montana State
is Montana's Premier University! Explore the blog >>
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